Discussion of target market alternatives for the zest sedan

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131676948 , Length: Word count:2000

Assignment - Group Project

Form a group with 2 to 4 members.

Read the article: 'Tata Motors unveils new Zest sedan'

The outputs of this assignment will be:

- A discussion of the target market alternatives for the Zest sedan. Recommend one.

- A discussion of the alternative ways of defining the 'Population' for a research study on the Zest sedan. Recommend one.

- A discussion of the alternative ways of defining the 'Sampling Frame' for the research on the Zest sedan. Recommend one.

- A discussion of the alternative ways of defining the sampling approach for the research on the Zest sedan. Recommend one.

- Explain why the approach expressed in the earlier sections will deliver an effective research outcome.

In your group discuss how you will manage the completion of the assignment.

Note who will do which part of the assignment. Everyone should discus all the elements of the assignment.

- An appendix should be attached to the assignment which will contain material from each of the participants

- Each member of the group to find two Journal articles on issues relevant to this research.

- Each member to present these Journal articles to a group meeting and discuss how they might influence the research.

- Prepare a 'discussion paper' to contain the outputs listed above.

- You should demonstrate your grasp of a wide range of ideas and you capacity to discuss these ideas.

- Your report should be built around the ideas contained in the journal articles with comment and evaluation by the group.

- You should make a recommendation.

Use of Harvard referencing to identify the source of all ideas.

Verified Expert

The paper is about the marketing strategy of the Tata Sedan Zest. It is a non luxury sedan car which is launched one year back in India. It asked to work on population, sampling method and approach of methods to know the whereabouts of this particular car brand's growth. As the company is popular and well-known, so the marketing strategy of this brand must be good to catch the market trend.

Reference no: EM131676948

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10/12/2017 5:26:18 AM

• Prepare a 'discussion paper' to contain the outputs listed above. • You should demonstrate your grasp of a wide range of ideas and you capacity to discuss these ideas. • Your report should be built around the ideas contained in the journal articles with comment and evaluation by the group. • You should make a recommendation. Use of Harvard referencing to identify the source of all ideas. Marks will be deducted for poor layout and failure to include Title Page, TOC, page numbers, reference list.

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