Discussion of plans projected by Oil and Gas companies

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Reference no: EM133142873

Assignment Task - Innovation, Sustainability and Transition in the Oil and Gas Sector

In recent years, the need for a transition to a low-carbon energy sector has been strongly expressed, driven by the severe impact of climate change. Such a transition involves the implementation of sustainable technologies such as renewables, electrification infrastructure, carbon capture and storage, etc. In this transition to an ambitious low-carbon energy industry, the companies operating in the Oil and Gas (O&G) sector are under pressure, as they are expected to maintain and improve their economic and reputational resilience. In this context, please critically discuss potential ways in which O&G companies can demonstrate their financial and reputational resilience, and successfully adapt to a low-carbon energy industry.

Your coursework should include a discussion of the following important points:

1. An insightful introduction to the driving force for the transition to a low-carbon industry, and the importance of a transition of the Oil and Gas sector. The objectives and scope of the coursework should be clearly indicated in the introduction.

2. A critical discussion of specific plans projected by the Oil and Gas companies in order to achieve financial and reputational resilience, or actions that have already been implemented. The use of examples of such plans and actions by different companies across the world is encouraged. This analysis may include plans and/or actions related to any of the following aspects; technology, organisational integration, investment portfolios or company operating models.

3. A conclusion including a of the main points included in your analysis and a reflection on whether the planned or implemented actions are sufficient for a successful transition into a low- carbon O&G sector.

Additional considerations for your analysis -

1. Make sure to clearly indicate which of the recommended aspects you will be focusing on, namely technology, organisational integration, investment portfolios or company operating models. Please select two of these aspects and analyse them.

2. You are expected to provide representative examples of planned or implemented actions by various O&G companies across the world, but you should not be focusing on a single O&G company.

3. The coursework requires you to use the relevant module material (ideas, concepts, theories or frameworks) to inform your evaluation. Well established media platforms (e.g. BBC, Financial Times, New York Times, etc.) and other reliable online sources may be used to support your analysis, that appropriately reflect the contemporary perspective of this assessment topic. In addition, information obtained from academic books and/or updated peer reviewed academic journals can also be used.

Assessment Criteria - Your assignment will be marked according to the following criteria:

1. Understanding and Reading: The depth of your reading (number, range and quality of sources) and understanding of it. You are expected to read the essential and further readings to support your argument/discussion; you cannot rely on personal opinion or unsupported statements.

2. Critical Analysis: The level of critical analysis in your writing and the quality of the argument developed. You cannot rely on simple description, but have to apply knowledge and theory from the readings to critically engage with the material.

3. Structure: Your ability to develop a clear, logical structure for your coursework which addresses the required points of the task and guides the reader. Your coursework should include a clear introduction, a cogently argued main body, and a conclusion that summarises the argument and answers the overall question.

4. Presentation and Referencing: Your ability to express yourself clearly in English using appropriate terminology, correct spelling and grammar. The extent to which your coursework is correctly referenced using the Harvard system of referencing in-text and with a reference list.t

Content to cover - Total: 2700-3300 words

1. Introduction 250 words

General background on the topic you are going to discuss. Possible definitions for terms relating to the question.

What the essay will include and/or leave out (scope). What themes the essay will discuss and the order they are presented.

What the essay will argue / demonstrate (thesis statement).

2. Main Body (Understanding, Reading and Critical Analysis) 2000 words

The following structure can be used for discussion of the themes that you have identified:

T - topic (sentence to introduce the theme or topic of the paragraph)

E - example (you could mention an example here to focus the topic)

S - support (bring in supporting information from your research / e.g. theory, research studies, statistics, legislation, professional guidelines, examples from practice)

T - talk about the ideas (strengths, weaknesses, importance, relevance, usefulness, comparison to other ideas). Evaluation and critical discussion of the supporting materials and how they relate to the question under scrutiny - keep the discussion focused on answering the question in the title.

3. Conclusions and recommendations 250 words -

Links back to the themes identified in the introduction. A reminder of what the essay has argued. A recap of the main themes that have been discussed. Proffer some recommendations

Formatting, Structure and Referencing (list of references not included in word count) -

High quality presentation of the material that conforms to principles of academic writing and contains minimal errors in sentence construction, grammar and punctuation.

A logical structure was followed.

The assignment followed appropriate academic conventions regarding in-text citations and referencing.

Reference no: EM133142873

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