Discussion of heather sweeney designs operational database

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13812124

Based on the discussion of the Heather Sweeney Designs operational database (HSD) and dimensional database (HSD-DW) in the text, answer the following questions.

A. Using the SQL statements shown in Figure 1, create the HSD-DW data-base in a DBMS.

B. What transformations of data were made before HSD-DW was loaded with data? List all the transformations, showing the original format of the HSD data and how they appear in the HSD-DW database.

C. Write the complete set of SQL statements necessary to load the transformed data into the HSD-DW database.

D. Populate the HSD-DW database, using the SQL statements you wrote to answer part C.

E. Figure 2 shows the SQL code to create the SALES_FOR_RFM fact table shown in Figure 3. Using those statements, add the SALES_FO&RFM table to your HSD-DW database.

F. What transformations of data are necessary to load the SALES_FOR_RPM table? List any needed transformations, showing the original format of the HSD data and how they appear in the HSD-DW database.

G. What data will be used to load the SALES_FOR_RPM fact table? Write the complete set of SQL statements necessary to load this data.

H. Populate the SALES_FOR_RPM fact table, using the SQL statements you wrote to answer part G.

I. Write an SQL query similar to the one shown on page 420 that uses the total dollar amount of each day's product sales as the measure (instead of the number of products sold each clay).

J. Write the SQL view equivalent of the SQL query you wrote to answer part I.

K. Create the SQL view you wrote to answer part J in your HSD-DW database.

L. Create a Microsoft Excel 2010 workbook named HSD-DW-BI-Exercises.xlsx.

M. Using either the results of your SQL query from part K (copy the results of the query into a worksheet in the HSD.DW.131.xlsx workbook and then format this range as a worksheet table) or your SQL view from part 1. (Create a Microsoft Excel data connection to the view), create an OLAP report similar to the OLAP report shown in Figure. (Hint: If you need help with the needed Microsoft Excel actions, search in the Microsoft Excel help system for more information.)




Reference no: EM13812124

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