Discussion about wasting a lot of time on the social media

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131706556

Wasting Time on Social Media

The investigations have proved that the working generation is wasting a lot of time on the social media. Instead of this waste of their precious time on the social they could be using the social media to make money that is depending on how they use their presence in the online.

Most of the employee waste their time on social networks such as Facebook, to go, Instagram and much more just socializing instead of instead of making money online which can be very enjoyable and interesting. It is a time wasting to be in the sites of social media and they are not the top interest of you.

The major challenge is that the young generation cannot tell when they are becoming addicted to networking at the social media. The social media should not interfere with you or block your way toward your success. While operating on the social media, you should not behave like a bonded laborer.

Instead, you can use the social media as a stepping stone to your success. So you can use social media for most of your time to make significant leads that will make you into a billionaire.

A. Statement of the problem

B. Expanded statement of purpose (including scope, limitations, and significance)

Using the term project in the attachment name bo habib hw

Write problem and purpose statement

One page for both of the 2 answers of the questions

Reference no: EM131706556

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