Reference no: EM132142621
Before taking this course, I have to admit I never really thought deep into the creation of social statistics and the aspect that go into getting specific statistics.
In my view a statistic was an observation and collection of numbers that pertained to a specific objective. After reading through the assigned book for this course, I have a better understanding of social statistics and dealing with statistical conclusions and findings. Joel Best describes it perfectly when he states, "They presume that statistics are generally accurate, that they mean what they seem to mean." (Best, 2001, Pg 162).
Not understanding the background and just how much statistics could be misleading or mis conducted, my overview on social statistics could have been viewed as naïve. After this course and getting a better understanding, I would say that I am average when it comes to dealing with statistical conclusions and findings, I would not categorize myself as cynical because I am bot suspicious of statistics and look for flaws but I would say I am more critical now (Best, 2001, Pg 164-166).
Best describes, "critical as understanding that, while some social statistics may be pretty good, they are never perfect." (Best, 2001, Pg 166). With all of the different factors that I have learned over this course that go into statistics, I understand that at times it is good to question but not shut down the findings completely.
When it comes to statistics it is important that we fully understand what we are looking for and at when the objective is presented. Bad statistics can truly ruin or disregard the importance of an issue at hand by not taking the proper steps in conducting a good statistic overview.
Some bad statistics can be noticeable right off the bat, yet others can be misleading which is the goal in some cases. I believe that bad statistics will always be an ongoing issue that society faces because it has the potential to be easy to persuade the naïve and convince the cynical type.
Society wants to trust that what they are being told has truth to it and not have to question every little aspect but this is just unfortunately not the truth.
In order to put a spot or slow down bad statistics from reaching the public, it is important to educate society on these issues along with holding the people that are releasing these bad statistics accountable for their actions.
Overall, there are a lot more playing factors that go into statistics that I was never aware of until now and I am happy that I have been able to educate myself on this issue so I know what to look for and expect moving forward.
Best, J. (2012). Damned lies and statistics: Untangling numbers from the media, politicians, and activists. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.