Discussing the state of global health and access

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Reference no: EM133299445

Question: Discussing the state of global health and access to health care around the world. We will doo this by analyzing the film Sicko by producer and activist Michael Moore.


For this assignment and discussion, follow these steps (click on the blue links to access the readings and film):

First, be sure you have read Chapter 8.

Next read: Universal Health Care in Different Countries - Pros and Cons of Each *Keep in mind - the United States is the ONLY industrialized nation in the world that doesn't provide universal access to health care for all its citizen.

Read why here: A history of why the US is the only rich country without universal health careLinks to an external site.

After you have some background info from the above readings, please watch the film Sicko Links to an external site.by Michael Moore. (this is a full-length film; give yourself time to watch all of it!)

After watching the film, create detailed paragraph post that responds to the following questions (in ESSAY format; not numbered responses to questions):

What are Michael Moore's main arguments in the film?

What are some examples he gives in the film to support his main arguments? (Connect his ideas to what you read in the two articles above; be sure to cite them properly!)

What are your thoughts on the ideas presented in the film? Assess bias and whether you think Moore presents these ideas in a balanced way.

Do you think health care is a human right that should be provided free to all citizens? Why or why not. (Be sure to refer to what you learned from the two articles you read above as well! Be sure to cite them properly!)

Can you relate this discussion to anything going on in the news right now? (coronavirus!!!, political debates around health care and Medicare for All, etc).

Relate this to something you read in the eText (be sure to cite properly!)

Share your own experiences with accessing healthcare if you're comfortable!

Reference no: EM133299445

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