Reference no: EM133381105
1. In discussing the Ring of Gyges, Glaucon seems to be convinced that:
A) Individuals ultimately seek to be unjust because of the consequences of being unjust
B) Individuals ultimately seek to be just only because of the consequences brought by being unjust
C) Individuals ultimately seek to be just because of the benefits brought by being just
D) Individuals ultimately seek to be just because they do not want the benefits of being unjust
2. In Republic, Socrates argues that health-care should be
A) A public good provided to all citizens in a society
B) A private good only available to the "gold" citizens
C) A public good provided only to those who have taken care of themselves
D) A private good only available to those who can afford it
3. In Republic, which of the interlocutors supports/offers a definition of justice based on what the stronger believed to be in his/her/their interest?
A) timocracy
B) democracy
C) oligarchy
D) aristocracy
4. Ultimately, the definition of "justice" being that which "helps one's friends and harms one's enemies" is refuted by Socrates because:
A) It does not account for justice when one has neither friends nor enemies
B) This definition of justice does not appear in Plato's Republic
C) It is not always possible to determine who one's friends truly are; nor one's true enemies
D) Giving back what is owed may be an untimely mistake
5. If I return to another that which is borrowed (whether physical objects or money), and at the same time, I do not lie to another person, _______________________________ would agree I am just (though Socrates would not, according to Republic).
A) Thrasymachus
B) Cleitophon
C) Plato
D) Cephalus
E) Polemarchus
6. In Republic, the definition of justice as "doing one's own business" is offered by
A) Polemarchus
B) Cephalus
C) Socrates
D) Cleitophon
E) Thrasymachus
7. In Republic, Socrates argues that women and children should be
A) held in common, in an effort to increase the focus on patriotism and devotion to the state
B) given full political rights, regardless of class
C) held in common, in an effort to protect them (the women and children) from outside invaders
D) denied healthcare, regardless of their preexisting conditions
8. In Republic, Socrates uses the example of the Divided Line to
A) Illustrate the progression and success of humanity's education
B) Illustrate the progression and success of a philosopher king's education
C) Illustrate the position of the just from the nonjust
D) Illustrate the progression of the warrior class education
9. In Republic, Glaucon introduces the Ring of Gyges to illustrate his belief that:
A) It is in the best interest of individuals to seem just, but to be unjust
B) It is in the best interest of individuals to be just
C) It is in the best interest of individuals to seem unjust, but to be just
D) It is in the best interest of individuals to be unjust
10. As a presidential advisor, I've argued that justice is quite simply what is in the nation's best interest as our rightful place as a world superpower. In so doing, I've clearly focused on the argument of __________________________ in Plato's Republic.
A) Socrates
B) Polemarchus
C) Cephalus
D) Thrasymachus
11. According to Aristotle, individuals become "good" and develop virtue through
A) wisdom, courage, and temperance
B) nature, philosophical education, and logic
C) nature, habit, and reason
D) residence in a democracy
12. Of the options below, Aristotle would mostly likely choose as the best constitution:
A) Aristocracy
B) Democracy
C) Oligarchy
D) Monarchy (kingship)
13. In Politics, Aristotle argues that a key factor in constitutional change is
A) a revolution on the part of the poor
B) powerful factions that oppose the present constitution
C) a 2/3 vote of the current legislators
D) a powerful conqueror
14. In Politics, Aristotle
A) Argues that private property should only be available to the ruling class
B) Disagrees with Plato [Republic] that citizens should be denied private property
C) Agrees with Plato [Republic] that citizens should be denied private property
D) Neither agrees nor disagrees with Plato's [Republic] position on private property
15. In Ethics and in Politics, Aristotle argues that virtues are
A) innate in individuals (individuals are born with virtue)
B) acquired through habit
C) only achievable through philosophical reflection
D) a gift from gods