Discusses the use of renewable energy in saudi arabia

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13261116

This term report discusses the use of renewable energy in Saudi Arabia. The idea is to use this kind of energy to build eco friendly cities in Saudi Arabia. The outline is below, if any change is needed you can change to make the report more powerful.

My major is EE, so the report should discuss the subject from this point of view. The audience is at average level. (1800-200) words.
I. Renewable Energy
A. History.
B. Renewable Energy Technologies.
1. Wind Power.
2. Solar energy.
C. Green power efficiency.
II. Concept of Ecological city
A. Definition and information.
B. Eco city planning.
III. Electrical Power Generating
A. Problems.
1. Pollution.
2. Low efficiency.
B. Effects.
1. Global warming.
2. Oil reserve.
3. Health issues.
IV. Solution
A. Renewable energy.
B. New Eco-Friendly City in Riyadh. * Imaginary project*

V. Leading Eco cities


Reference no: EM13261116

Questions Cloud

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What is your expected rate of return : The common stock of Zaldi Co. is selling for $32.84 per share. The stock recently pid dividends of $2.94 per share and has a projected constant growth rate of 9.5 percent. If you purchase the stock at the market price, what is your expected rate o..
Discusses the use of renewable energy in saudi arabia : This term report discusses the use of renewable energy in Saudi Arabia. The idea is to use this kind of energy to build eco friendly cities in Saudi Arabia.
What is the gliders speed : A 10-m-long glider with a mass of 780kg(including the passengers) is gliding horizontally through the air at 30m/s when a 70Kg skydiver drops out by releasing his grip on the glider. What is the glider's speed
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Calculate output power of the motor at rotational frequency : 13A flows through the coil of a DC motor. The coil has a length of 0.4m and 0.3m. The coil has 36 windings and a flux of 0.21 Wb. If its rotational frequency is 936 r/min, calculate output power of the motor.


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