Discusses the impact that regulations have on ethics

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13819521 , Length:

Topic: ethics and Professionalism



Research ethics and professionalism in accounting and auditing and current emerging issues. Ex. Of magazines that will have articles related to ethics and professionalism are (1) CPA- Accounting Journal, (2) CFE - Fraud Magazine, (3) IIA - IA Auditor magazine, and (4) IMA - Magazine. You are not required to use these magazines, they are provided to assist you with your research.

Write a one- to two-page paper that discusses the impact that regulations, accounting and auditing standards, emerging issues, and the business environment have on ethics.

Auditing theory and practice


1. Analysis and Evaluation

2. Meets Presentation Requirements

3. Basic Content in Place

4. Advanced Content in Place

5. Format including APA and Works Cited Specifications

6. Clarity, mechanics, formatting

Reference no: EM13819521

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