Reference no: EM132287756
Question: Memory Debate (Worth 30 points)
The purpose of this discussion is to ponder the dynamics of repressed memories and their potential accuracy and/or inaccuracy.
Learning Objectives 3b and 5c
Can traumatic memories be repressed, then recovered?
Please note:* This discussion forum is "post first." In other words, you will not see the posts of your classmates until after you post. When you post, your classmates' posts will be revealed so you can read them and compose your reply.
Step 1: Read the following scenario based on the case of Eileen Franklin-Lipsker.
Step 2: Watch Elizabeth Loftus explain her research: The Fiction of Memory.
Step 3: Next, review the following seminal article by Elizabeth Loftus: Creating False Memories.
Step 4: Integrating at least *three* relevant terms from the assigned readings, post your position with an explanation on the following:
Explain why, why not, or why you are unsure that memories that have been repressed and then recovered should be allowed in court to prosecute the alleged abuser.
Parenting Styles (Worth 30 Points)
Learning Objectives 3c, 4a, 5a, 5b, and 5c
Please note:* This discussion forum is "post first." In other words, you will not see the posts of your classmates until after you post. When you post, your classmates' posts will be revealed so you can read them and compose your reply.
Step 1: Review the following chart, which provides a quick review of the three main parenting styles:
1. Permissive Parents Low control; Ambivalent responsiveness Makes few demands; submits to the wishes of children
2. Authoritarian Parents High control; Low responsiveness Dictates rules; expects obedience
3. Authoritative Parents High control; High responsiveness Sets and enforces fair and reasonable rules; discusses reasoning for rules with children
Step 2: Next, please watch the following Ted Talk: Changing Roles of Parents.
Step 3: The purpose of this discussion is first to reflect on the parenting style(s) of your caregiver(s), thinking through the effects the style(s) had on your own development. Though you do not submit this information to the discussion forum, thinking through the style(s) of your own caregiver(s) is often a relevant first step. After the self-reflection, please compose and post your answers to the following questions:
Describe the style of parenting you most value and explain why. In your description and explanation, integrate relevant content based on the assigned readings.
Go to Psychology Collection Database, Monitor on Psychology, or another credible source to search for and select at least one article that describes the parenting style you most value, including strategies on how to implement that parenting style. Summarize the article, using APA style for in-text citations, and include at least *three* relevant strategies on how to implement the parenting style you most value.
Based on the research presented in the assigned readings, explain the effects on children from the parenting style you most value. If you include additional research, use APA style for your in-text citations.
Create a reference page titled References. Use APA style for your citations.