Reference no: EM132360042
1.) When writing a report, the introduction includes the background which ________.
Describes what will and won't be covered in the report
Describes the benchmarks for evaluating options and alternatives
Discusses potential courses of action
Reviews the historical conditions or factors that led up to the report
Discusses the primary and secondary sources consulted and methods used
2. Artie is aware that the content and length of the close of a report depend primarily on his choice of the direct or indirect approach. If he is using the direct approach, in the close he should ________.
Present his conclusions or recommendations, if he hasn't done so in the body
Introduce new facts in his close, to maintain interest
End with a summary of key points, listed in the order that they appear in the report body
Outline the steps for a process
Discuss the sources and methods used in the report
3. Dennis is giving his first training presentation to his team. His manager has asked Dennis to make sure his presentation fits the allotted time, since there are other presentations following his. Therefore, Dennis should ________.
Focus on meeting audience needs and expectations more than, keeping to the time allotted
Limit his scope
Limit audience questions in the end
Avoid summarizing
Use the direct approach