Discusses how our identity or self-concept changes naturally

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Reference no: EM133411080

Question: discusses how our identity or self-concept changes naturally over time as we add new knowledge and skills, and as our bodies change. Identity can also change with effort. According to self-perception theory, simply changing our behavior can alter the way we see ourselves. In line with the idea of the looking-glass self, persuading others to see us in a certain way can lead to changes in the way we see ourselves.

Think about one of your own qualities that you either did change or would like to change some day. Examples might include trying to be a more confident person, a healthier person or a better friend to others. What are some behaviors you did or would engage in to alter your self-concept in this domain? Alternatively, how might getting others to see you or treat you differently change the way you end up seeing yourself?


Reference no: EM133411080

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