Discusses an issue related to federalism

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Reference no: EM133626243 , Length: 5 pages


For your midterm paper, you are to find an article from a reputable news source that discusses an issue related to federalism. You will then answer the following questions:

• What issue is your article discussing and why is it an example of federalism?

• What problems have arisen, or could potentially arise, as a result of the state-national policy interaction discussed in your article?

• In your opinion, is United States federalism an efficient method of governance, or does it create more problems than it solves? Why? Be sure to use as many examples from the lectures and readings as possible. Show me that you understand what you are writing about. Assignment requirements

• Your essay should be four or five pages in length (not including work cited).

• Include a work cited page.

• Your chosen article should be from a credible source, if you are not sure please ask the professor in advance if your source is credible.

• Your article should have been written within the last 24 months.

• Your essay should include citations from your chosen article.

Reference no: EM133626243

Questions Cloud

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How does it impact his theory of political virtue : While Aristotle makes the conventional (in the context of his time) argument that women are by nature inferior to men.
Discusses an issue related to federalism : For your midterm paper, you are to find an article from a reputable news source that discusses an issue related to federalism.
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What programs implementing if you were chief of police : What programs, policies, or initiatives would you suggest implementing if you were the Chief of Police?


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