Discusses about a massive data breach

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132370094 , Length: word count:3200

ICT Services Management Assignment -

Tasks - There are ten (10) tasks, one for each week: the tasks are detailed below. There is a table to complete for each task. Please fill in the information required. Note: Each resource summary should be around 200-300 words. Each summary should briefly explain:

  • What the resource is about?
  • Why you selected it?
  • What are the main points or key information covered in the resource?
  • Why the resource was useful.

For more advice about how to complete the assignment, as well as examples and information about selecting good resources.

For each week explain -

  • Title, Link and Reference: Provide the Title of the resource, the Link (full URL) and full Harvard reference.
  • Summary: Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task.

Week 1 - The text discusses about different architectures for parallel processing used for Multiprocessor Machines such as multiple-instruction stream - multiple-data stream (MIMD), single-instruction stream - multiple-data stream (SIMD) etc. Find and summarise ONE resource that compares between MIMD and SIMD architectures. The resource, and your summary, must focus only on MIMD and SIMD architectures.

Week 2 - The text discusses about one of the common problems that can arise during resource allocation in operating systems, which is known as deadlock. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes an algorithm of either deadlock avoidance or deadlock prevention. The resource, and your summary, must focus on a single algorithm of either deadlock avoidance or deadlock prevention, NOT both.

Week 3 - Internet of things (IoT) is an emerging trend towards smart interconnected embedded technologies that allow us to monitor and control our environment. Find and summarise ONE resource that describe applications of the Internet of things in the field of Smart Farming. The resource, and your summary, must focus on application of IoT ONLY in the field of smart farming.

Week 4 - The text discusses about IPv4, however, IPv6 is the emerging protocol which is in the process of superseding IPv4. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes about the technologies that are used to run both protocols simultaneously over the same internet infrastructure.

Week 5 - Network security has become a major concern of ICT world, and user authentication is one of the popular tools to assure network security. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes any ONE authentication mechanism except password. The resource, and your summary, should focus purely on ONLY ONE type of authentication mechanism.

Week 6 - The text discusses about a massive data breach that happened in Target company, which is referred as 'Target Breach'. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes another recent (within last 5 years) well-publicised attack or security breach on a public company or government organisation. The resource, and your summary, should describe about A SINGLE EXAMPLE of security breach.

Week 7 - The text briefly discusses about e-commerce and e-business. Find and summarise ONE resource that discusses the relationship between e-commerce and e-business. The resource, and your summary, should describe similarities and difference between e-commerce and e-business.

Week 8 - The text book discusses about the success story of ARI (Automotive Resources International) company after implementing SAP BusinessObjects Explorer and integrating it with HANA. HANA is SAP's in-memory computing platform that is deployable as an on-premise hardware and software appliance or in the cloud. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes the success story of adapting SAP HANA by another local or international company. The resource, and your summary, should focus on the story about ONE single company (which is not ARI company).

Week 9 - Rapid application development (RAD) is a process of creating a workable system in a very short period of time. There are few recently developed frameworks available in market to undertake RAD. Find and summarise ONE recent (within last two years) resource that describes and recommends about ONE framework for RAD.

Week 10 - The failure to successfully implement large scale IS has led to the downfall of many previously successful companies. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes few reasons of implementation failure for large scale IS. The resource, and your summary, should analyse at least three reasons of the failure.

Attachment:- ICT Services Management Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132370094

Questions Cloud

Five approaches to international business ethics : Support your discussion with at least one of the five approaches to International Business Ethics (from Reading 61).
Game theory are important in decision-making : How waiting-line model or queuing models and Game theory are important in decision-making? Explain
Why quality improvement applied in a health care setting : Explain why quality improvement, evidence-based practice, and research would be applied in a health care setting. This assignment requires a minimum of two.
Drive-thru using to gain competitive advantage : Amy's Drive-Thru, a fast food facility, offers healthy, sustainably grown veggie and vegan fast food at higher prices than its competitors in the market
Discusses about a massive data breach : COIT20246 - ICT Services Management Assignment, Central Queensland University, Australia. Discusses about a massive data breach
What are three strategies that mc donalds : What are three strategies that MC Donalds uses to contribute to their success?
What do you think about customer service : 1. What do you think about customer service? 2. Do you think you are coachable? Why or why not?
What strategy best to approach issue-quality improvement : You are assigned to a quality team on a rehabilitation floor where patient falls are on the rise. What strategy would be best to approach this issue-quality.



9/12/2019 10:49:45 PM

Words - 3200 approx. Instructions - It will be necessary to use online resources to complete this assignment, please ensure you cite and reference any such materials using the Harvard format. DO NOT copy content directly from either the text or Internet resources: this assignment is to be in your own words. You will lose marks if you do not use your own words! Please complete your assignment using this submission template file, inserting your responses where indicated. DO NOT delete the marking criteria page – changes are permitted to the formatting of other pages including the headers and footers.


9/12/2019 10:49:40 PM

MARKING SHEET – Criteria: Excellent resource selection; resource is highly relevant to the task (the resource is probably highly specialised); summary is detailed yet concise; the relevance and usefulness of the resource selection has been clearly explained. Reference/URL provided does not link to resource (and resource cannot be located or determined from details provided) OR Reference/URL provided does not relate to the summary (i.e. summary is not of resource content/contains content not contained in the resource) OR Multiple resources used for a single task.

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