Discussed regarding its influence on social cognition

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Reference no: EM133549392


1. Which of the following theories describes people as evaluating stimuli initially as good versus bad for them, resulting in primitive positive or negative reactions?

Stereotype content model

Bias map

Appraisal theories of emotions

Enemy images theory

2. Which of the following is a normative model for how decisions should proceed in the presence of base-rate information?

Prospect theory

Bayes' theorem

3. This chapter is titled "From Affect to Social Cognition." What aspect of affect is particularly discussed regarding its influence on cognition?





4. Which social psychologist coined the term auto-motives to refer to motives automatically cued by certain situations?

John A. Bargh

B. F. Skinner

Eliot R. Smith

Daniel M. Wegner

5. What is the term used in prospect theory to describe the internal standard that people use to compare the objective value of an option in order to classify its valence?



Empathy gap

Reference point

6. Which of the following statements about heuristics is FALSE?

Heuristics are necessarily fallible

Heuristics can be both widely shared and idiosyncratic

Heuristics are common in daily life

Heuristics are more common in judgments under uncertainty

7. If we see a snake in the grass and scream or recoil, which of the following would claim that this response itself constitutes our emotions, without any cognitive role?

Facial feedback hypothesis.

James-Lange view.

Schachter & Singer's theory of emotion.

None of the above.

8. How long does it take for a person to recognize a face as a face?

1 second

100 to 200 milliseconds

500 to 600 milliseconds

None of the above

9. In the 7th grade, Rana worked tirelessly on her science fair project examining how microwave radiation affects different organisms. When the judges announced the winners of the competition, however, Rana did not place among the winners. She doesn't think she will ever get over the disappointment of not winning after all of her hard work. Her reaction is a demonstration of a:

Pollyanna effect.

Power asymmetry.

Durability bias.

Positivity offset.

10. Which of the following is a statement associated with social identity theory?

Social interactions range from the interpersonal to the intergroup

Intergroup competition arises from conflict over material resources

People tend to see ingroup members as more similar to each other, and outgroup members as more different from each other

None of the above

11. A vivid memory of your sixth birthday party would be best described as an example of which of the following?

Semantic memory

Episodic memory

Procedural memory

Declarative memory

12. Which scholar(s) proposed the PM-1 Model?

Thomas K. Srull & Robert S. Wyer

Reid Hastie

Solomon Asch

J.J. Gibson

13. The total psychological field is determined by which of the following pairs of factors?

The person and the situation

Cognition and Motivation

Both are correct

Neither a nor b

14. Short-term memory is assumed to hold about how many pieces of information at a time?





15. Which of the following is a hypothetical neural module emerging from the functions of the left hemisphere that integrates diverse self-relevant processing to create that sense of self that most of us experience subjectively?

An interpreter

A behavioral activation system

A behavioral inhibition system

A working self-concept

16. Stereotyping is the ____________ side of integroup bias and prejudice is the ______________ side.

Affective, cognitive

Cognitive, affective

Deliberate, automatic

Cognitive, automatic

17. Which of the following brain regions is most closely associated with memory?



Superior temporal sulcus


18. Which of the following best describes the las of large numbers?

Big groups working together come to conclusions that approximate nominal models more closely than small groups

Large samples are more reliable to make population inferences

Tasks with a larger number of trials lead individuals to rely more on heuristics

Tasks with a small number of trials lead individuals to rely more on heuristics

19. Which of the following demonstrates the mood manipulation in the Velten procedure?


Assuming positive or negative facial expressions.

Reading mood-relevant sentences.

Listening to mood-laden music.

20. Isabella does not chit-chat at work-she develops innovative ideas and is one of the strongest, most serious members on the team. With her friends, Isabella tells hilarious stories that get everyone laughing. This difference demonstrates which concept?


Person-situation interaction

Contingencies of self-worth


21. What aspect of attitudes did the Yale persuasive communications approach emphasized?

Learning the message content

The conscious acceptance or rejection of the message

Both are correct

None of the above

22. Which of the following social cognition pioneers were most directly influenced by Gestalt psychology?

Wilhelm Wundt and Hermann Ebbinghaus

Edward L. Thorndike and B. F. Skinner

Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Kohler

Solomon Asch and Kurt Lewin

23. When a doctor processes words related to the human anatomy, these words can be considered:



Non-self-schematic information

Self-schematic information

24. Which of the following combinations of structural variables and stereotype content is correct?

Status - Competence / Competition - Warmth

Competition - Competence / Status - Warmth

Envy - Competence / Pity - Warmth

Pity - Competence / Envy - Warmth

25. Which of the following statements is most likely to describe Tracy's life after completing her degree in gender studies?

Tracy becomes a bank teller

Tracy becomes a bank teller and a feminism activist

All of the above are equally likely

I don't have enough

Reference no: EM133549392

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Discussed regarding its influence on social cognition : What aspect of affect is particularly discussed regarding its influence on cognition? How long does it take for a person to recognize a face as a face?
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Describe how behaviorism and structuralism schools : Describe how Behaviorism and structuralism schools of thought each approach explains the causes of human behavior.


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