Discuss your thoughts or feelings about marketing managers

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697982


Assume you are working for a company that sells music online. The marketing department would like to send e-mails to customers who have purchased music ?from the Web site. These e-mails would use information about the genres of music customers have purchased in the past and would offer those discounts on ?new releases in those genres. Discuss your thoughts/feelings about marketing managers using an opt-in statement for permission to send such emails that would?appear when customers make their first purchase. Should all businesses/organizations have the opt-in statement? Or should they only have an opt-out statement ?in which you are automatically enrolled unless you accept/check the out-out statement?

Reference no: EM131697982

Questions Cloud

Past recruitment and selection failures : Imagine you are an HR consultant working with a client, OR you could be a line manager who is frustrated by past recruitment and selection failures.
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Process of conducting job analysis : Competent compensation professionals are familiar with job analysis concepts, the process of conducting job analysis, and fundamental job analysis techniques.
What are some reasons union participation : What are some reasons union participation has gone down in recent years, especially in the private sector?
Discuss your thoughts or feelings about marketing managers : Discuss your thought about marketing manager using opt-in statement for permission to send such email that would?appear when customer make their first purchase.
Outlining the pr errors made by a company in a real case : PRS201 - Public Relations Theory and Practice - outlining the PR errors made by a company in a real case from the business world; and make recommendations
Questions and self-disclosure : You should have read about the various counseling techniques such as using questions and self-disclosure.
Way to recruit potential employees : Social media is becoming more important as a way to recruit potential employees. How do YOU feel when employers use social media as recruiting tools?
Analyze the companys value chain : Considering the five (5) forces of competition, choose the two (2) that you estimate are the most significant for the corporation you chose.


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