Reference no: EM133607075
Discussion Post
Gender inequality is discrimination based on sex or gender causing one sex or gender to be routinely privileged or prioritized over another. From the moment they're born, girls and boys face unequal gender norms regarding expectations and access to resources and opportunities in their lifetime at home, schools and communities. Resulting gender discrimination and gender prejudice ultimately beginning in childhood. For example, a sociologist Talcott Parsons early on said, men have instrumental qualities such as confidence and competitiveness which would prepare them for the workforce and women have expressive qualities such as empathy and sensitivity which would prepare them to care for their family. With that notion, men were already appointed to work and provide, while women were destined to take care of home and the kids. I disagree with Parsons's theory because ultimately woman can express industrial qualities and work to provide and vice versa men can have expressive qualities to assist and take of home duties. Granted things have changed, but gender inequality still exists.
Feminism refers to the belief that women and men should have equal opportunities in economic, political, and social life, while sexism refers to a belief in traditional gender role stereotypes and in the inherent inequality between men and women. An example of feminism is a woman working in a male dominating workforce such as a mechanic, construction worker and firefighter. A few examples regarding sexism are women can only do certain jobs such as a secretary related position, hairdresser, and being a nurse.
Gender-based violence includes physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, and psychological abuse, threats, coercion, and economic or educational deprivation which commonly comes in the form of violence against women from a man. It's said to be manifested due to men losing power and a way to reassert their declining power is to turn violent against women. Also poverty, displaced women and war are causes of gender-based violence. Some ways to combat gender-based violence, is to provide education to the victims and consequences to the abuser, provide financial support to women so they don't have to depend on their abuser and providing a safe haven.
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