Discuss your strategy for identifying key data points

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133101418

Review Chapter 22 of the textbook.

Imagine that you have been hired as a quality control data analyst. The company you have been hired for has experienced a decline in their sales numbers. The CEO speculates that there may be some areas for improvement in their quality control practices. You have a strong background in data analytics, but you know little about quality control practices. As a data analyst, you need to determine some key data points that will assist you in identifying any problem areas in the quality control process.

Identify data that you believe would be useful in assessing for quality control.

Discuss your strategy for identifying key data points, including the type of data you gather and where you will look to find this data.

Determine the best way to present this data, considering data visualization tools we examined.

Summarize how you would go about creating a quality control proposal for this company. What are some of the key points you would consider for quality control?

Reference no: EM133101418

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