Discuss your solution to archiving the company data

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13804805

An effective information technology manger must be as adept at the application of data storage techniques relative to business continuity. The organization is counting on IT to have a plan in place that ensures that business operations will continue in the event of a disaster. Most organizations today have a 99% uptime requirement. This means that data services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 99% of the year. Data archiving supports a well-designed disaster recovery plan by moving a copy of the data used in the production environment physically away from the organization's data operations center to a remote location.

Imagine that your company has two locations-one in hurricane-prone Miami, Florida, and the other in earthquake-prone Los Angeles, California. The company policy is to handle data network storage in-house. The company processes high-volume transactions daily, and the data is considered mission critical.

  • Discuss your solution to archiving the company's data, and be prepared to defend your option versus other students'; proposals.
  • Elements of your answer should include the following:
    • Hot site versus cold site
    • Data mirroring capability
    • Tape and optical drive backups
    • Offsite data storage services.

Reference no: EM13804805

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