Discuss your perception relative to the stated goal

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM133777534

Assignment: Managerial Economics

I. Choose a microeconomic topic in the context of Managerial Economics to address in your term paper. Write on contemporary topics such as: the impact of the Great Recession, The Rising Cost of Healthcare, Issues with Obama Healthcare, Inability of Having a Comprehensive Private Insurance, Problems of Public Housing, The Rising Cost of Education, Understanding Outsourcing and the Associated Issues etc.

II. Develop the study's other Outlines as:

i. Introduction: Write about one page introduction and spell out the importance of the study, the goal, and the following outlines in the introduction.

ii. Review of Literation: Identify what others have to say on the chosen topic. Relate the review according to the popular views, your perception, and understanding.

iii. Discuss your perception relative to the stated goal.

iv. Have another outline to discuss the related goal.

v. Discuss your stance on the goal relative to the popular view in the literature.

vi. Conclusion and direction for future study.

Reference no: EM133777534

Questions Cloud

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How do you relate the identified topic to your future goals : How did the topic reinforce your ideas? Or, how did it challenge your assumptions? How do you relate the identified topic to your future goals?
Discuss your leadership strengths and weaknesses : Discuss your leadership strengths and weaknesses. Make sure to include any references and in-text citations from the resources you use to answer this question.
Discuss your perception relative to the stated goal : Discuss your perception relative to the stated goal. Discuss your stance on the goal relative to the popular view in the literature.
What are some take away opinions or feedback that you have : Maybe some here and there. From the article below, what are some take away opinions or feedback that you have?
Correlation between Satisfaction in Work and Productivity : STAT6500 Data Analytics Project, University of Newcastle - Correlation between Employee Satisfaction in Work and Productivity. "The project aims at discovering
Define safe schools and safe school planning : CJI 6910- Define safe schools and safe school planning. Describe the kind of data used to make a determination of a safe school.
Why critical thinking is central to the scientific method : Explain why critical thinking is central to the scientific method, the study of psychology, and the everyday understanding of behavior.


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