Discuss your own personal response to the documentary

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM132930026

Respond to a documentary you have studied in class by answering the following questions in as much detail as possible. Your final assessment should be 2-3 pages In length after research, drafting and producing your , final copy.

Report form on a documentary named (The case of : Jonbenet Ramsey)

Question 1: Begin by stating the name of the documentary, when and by whom it was produced, its purpose and provide a brief summary of what it is about (max 100 words).

Question 2: choose three separate documentary techniques which audiences see in the documentary and explain how this are used and their intended effect on the audience's Interpretations

Question 3: Choose one important idea, theme, person, or argument shown in the documentary and explain your interpretation of why this is a focus in the film. This will involve you considering the `journey this idea, theme, person, or argument takes from start to finish,

Question 4: Discuss your own personal response to the documentary and whether you would or would not recommend other Year 12 students to view the documentary In English class. Think about the overall purpose of the documentary and how it made you think, feel or reflect on your own life.

Reference no: EM132930026

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