Discuss your major communication strengths and weaknesses

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132408840


To reflect on and analyze individual communication strengths and weaknesses and effectively communicate this analysis through a paper using concepts and knowledge gained from the course.


Part I

Discuss your major communication strengths and weaknesses as identified on the personal communication evaluation form completed near the beginning of the course. Ensure this section includes answers to the following questions and any other pertinent information.

1. What are my major strengths in each of the 8 major areas of the evaluation?

2. What are the major areas which could use improvement in each of the 8 areas?

3. What is the evidence from my communication experiences that indicate that these areas are strengths and weaknesses? Give specific examples.

4. Are there any areas in which you have reconsidered your original evaluation mark after learning more about each area during communication class - either changing to a higher or lower rating?

Part II
Discuss your communication goals and plans. Only discuss the goal and plan you set. Do not discuss at this time whether you achieved your goal. Ensure this section includes answers to the following questions and any other pertinent information:

1. Why did you choose this as a goal to be accomplished in this class?

2. How did you decide on your plan? How effective and realistic do you believe your plan was foraccomplishing your goal?

3. What measurement did you put in place to determine if you met your goal? How would you know that you had made progress or had achieved your goal?

4. How would reaching this goal improve your overall ability to communicate?

Part III

Discuss the constructive feedback you received from your observers. Ensure this section includes answers to the following questions and any other pertinent information.

1. From the questionnaire what specific information did your observer give you about your communication behaviour? Did you agree with his/her perceptions? Why or why not?

2. Was there any information that was new to you? Explain.

3. Did your observers give you other feedback not directly related to the questionnaire? Was this information helpful to you? Did you agree with his/her interpretations? Why or why not?

4. Have you or will you use this information in a constructive way to improve your communication experiences? If not, why? If yes, discuss specific examples of how you have or will use this information.

Part IV
Discuss what you have learned in this class that has assisted you in improving your communication skills. Ensure this section includes answers to the following questions and any other pertinent information.

1. Do you believe your communication skills have improved since taking this class? Why or why not? Give specificexamples.

2. Do you think you have reached your goal? How do you know? If not, do you intend to continue working on this goal? Why or why not?

3. If you believe you have reached your goal, how do you think you were able to accomplish thi2 goal and do you believe you will be able to continue with this improvement?

4. Did you improve any of the weak areas from your original communication evaluation? If so, how did you accomplish this? IF not, why do you think you were unable to improve?

Conclude this paper in an appropriate way by summing up your experiences, communication improvements, the reaching of your goal, or overall impressions of this exercise and this course.

Part II

Looking at the above assessment, identify an area (or two) that you think you could improve and that, if you improved in this area, would make a significant difference in your ability to communicate effectively with others. Set a goal that you would like to achieve in this area and develop a 3 or 4 point plan for achieving that goal in by the end of the semester. Be specific.

1. Overall Goal - What is the overall goal (or goals) you plan to work on for this semester, to specifically improve your communication skills?

2. Objectives - State the specific objectives you have set to reach your goal(s):

3. Actions - What specificactions will you undertake to take to achieve your objectives? What time frame have you set, for each action, to achieve your objectives?

4. Measurement of Success - How will you know you have reached your specific objectives to achieve your overall goal(s)?

Reference no: EM132408840

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