Discuss your economic data you have collected

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM132927092

Some directions for the Common Assessments (student projects)

Go to the common assessment on Blackboard. Each student gets a different country.

No one in the same section can have the same country. For example, maybe you choose Bulgaria, and your friend chooses Brazil.

Countries will be chosen in class on a first come, first assigned basis.

If you cannot choose a country on your own, a name will be given to you.

Now go to tradingeconomics or to some other website to get your economic data. You will be writing up a report on the economy of your chosen country and what you recommend for fiscal and monetary policies for your country to improve their economic situation.

General items to include and discuss:

1. You should discuss something about the economy of your chosen country.

2. Discuss your economic data you have collected for the past 10 years. (could be a longer period or slightly shorter if you have data availability issues)

3. You should discuss what they have been doing regarding economic performance and problems. What has gone well, what is bad.

4. Discuss hat has happened in your chosen country regarding COVID-19. Has your country been severely impacted? This could have an impact on what you recommend short-term versus longer term.

5. Discuss economic policy over about the last 10 years (maybe 20 years, you decide).

6. Has the country been adopting sound economic policies, should they make changes?

7. What do you recommend for future policy? Discuss fiscal policy, monetary policy, and any other economic policies that you may think are relevant.

The Common assessment is now accessible. Look at it. But recognize that the instructions above supersede or take precedence over anything in the common assessment document listed online.

The online document is a general framework. This document is your specific assignment for your class.

To make instructions as close as possible to those for LaLa Land on Blackboard:

You replace LaLa Land with the name of your country.

You provide 10 years of annual data instead of three and replace the xxx with actual data on inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.
You can also show other data, such as Government spending, Tax collections, GDP, money supply and perhaps other economic variables yearly for the last approximately 10 years.

You should present much of the information graphically (although you might use tables in some cases).

You can, but you do not have use a liquidity preference framework.

You can choose to use any other more realistic real-world type models that you think better explains what is going on, rather than the simplistic

Keynesian or quantity theory models. For example, maybe you like rational expectations, supply-side ideas, Neo-Keynesian, or modern monetary theory.

Your report should be typed and uploaded onto Blackboard when completed. As for length-between 5 and 10 pages. This includes the graphs and references..

You must cite your sources and list references (in any acceptable bibliographic entry form used by journals, or as taught at ZU).

You can copy graphs and tables from various websites. But cite the sources of the graphs. You cannot do massive cuts and pastes of text from a website that discusses something like say historical fiscal policy for Zimbabwe for the years 2008 -2019. You are expected to use your data and your own research to suggest some combination of fiscal and monetary policies to improve the economic situation for your country and explain what you expect to happen to major economic variables in your country because of your suggested policies.

You can use the Keynesian model and/or the quantity theory of money model to discuss expected results. You can use the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model, but you do not have to use any specific model.. These models are mainly background reference ideas. For example if you recommend fiscal stimulus like an increase in government spending to offset Co-vid 19 impacts you are making a Keynesian argument. You are not expected to go into any details about the Keynesian model, you might just say something like your recommendation is consistent with the recommendations obtained from the Keynesian model, that it follows from Keynesian economic recommendations, that it is based on the Keynesian model, etc.

You should use your own words throughout the paper, whenever possible.

Attachment:- Common assessments.rar

Reference no: EM132927092

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