Reference no: EM133813775
Case: Have you ever been so engaged in a task, such as reading a good book, watching a suspenseful movie, or sharing a deep conversation, that you forgot about the passage of time? We've all experienced it at least occasionally and for some, it is a common experience. Here are some other examples: Think about the fiction writer frantically trying to capture a scene he has playing out in his head after a few moments of inspiration. Or the accountant repeatedly trying to figure out why numbers on the company spreadsheet don't match. Or the parent who is desperately researching the Internet for answers that explain her child's serious health symptoms. Or the chess player who is strategically plotting out seven moves in advance to stave off the advance of his opponent. These are just a few examples of what has been called the "flow." Flow describes a person's ability to concentrate intently, to the point of blocking out all other external stimuli.
The concept of flow was popularized by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who after interviewing thousands of people from many different walks of life-chess players, mountain climbers, tennis players, ballet dancers, surgeons, etc.-came to some fascinating conclusions. He interviewed this diverse group of people because he wanted to learn how they were able to perform at such high levels over an extended period of time. He came to the conclusion that flow (or the ability to get into a zone of sorts) played a major part in their sustained achievement.
Csikszentmihalyi also is convinced that anyone can experience flow. He believes it is a universal experience that we all have to some extent without realizing it. And it can be practiced so that we experience it more frequently. He says being in "flow" is characterized by:
Complete concentration on what you are doing at the present moment. The activity becomes almost automatic, and the involvement seems almost effortless.
Transformation of time. Usually, time passes much faster than expected and you lose awareness of yourself.
Activities are intrinsically rewarding and are engaged in because the activity itself is enjoyable instead of just a means to achieving an end goal. Need it written? Get it done - Hire a writer today!
Flow is another term for Engagement in the PERMA model.
In this assignment, you will explore the concept of "flow," which is one of the five aspects of the Good Life as promoted by Martin Seligman. Specifically, you will have the opportunity to identify at least one area where you experience flow and how it integrates with Positive Psychology and Life Coaching.
Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:
Examine the relationship between the concept of flow and deep engagement in life tasks/relationships.
Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Read Chapter 6, "Time and How We Spend It: Helping Clients Increase Engagement, Flow, and Meaning in Their Lives," in your textbook Positive Psychology in Coaching: Applying Science to Executive and Personal Coaching.
Watch the video "Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Animated Book Review" and/or read the Flow(Word document) video transcript:
Be sure to meet with the person you identified in Workshop One as planned. Discuss your current thoughts about the Good Life to this point. Share your thoughts, themes that you've previously identified, and ask your friend or colleague what they think the Good Life means to them.
Write a three- to four-page paper in response to your conversation about the Good Life and the following:
Summarize your conversation with your contact and key lessons learned about the Good Life.
Name at least one interest, activity, task, or relationship you have experienced that meets the three characteristics listed in the Introduction section for being in "flow." Describe the experience in some detail.
What makes engagement with this particular experience so enjoyable and rewarding? Be specific.
Explain how the concept of "flow" integrates with your understanding of positive psychology and the "Good Life" as discussed in Workshop One.
Explain one way you might be able to deliberately incorporate "flow" into your chosen profession as a life coach. Be concrete and specific.
Be specific in your responses and use concrete examples from your conversation, your textbook, supplemental readings, outside sources, and personal experiences to frame your writing.