Discuss your approach to minimize your impact on environment

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132353263

The Triple Bottom Line"

The concept behind the "triple bottom line" is that companies are responsible to all their stakeholders. This includes everyone who is involved with the company whether directly or indirectly, as well as the planet on which we all live. This approach sees shareholders as part of the stakeholder group, but only as part of it. Before writing your response to this week's discussion,

1. How would you implement the concept of Triple Bottom Line (People, Planet, Profit) at the NAB company you created?


· Your response should have three headings, each focusing on an aspect of the triple bottom line as outlined below.

· Check out Chapter 14: Social Responsibility & Sustainability for more information.

· You will use this week's information in Assignment 3: Ethics and Social Responsibility Plan.

Keep the following format in mind as you complete this week's discussion:

· Profit - When looking at profit from this theory's perspective, the idea is that profits will help empower and sustain the community as a whole, and not just represent a benefit for the shareholders. (Briefly explain your approach.)

· People - Discuss your approach to care about suppliers, customers, community, employees. (For example, to care about employees you can provide a good working environment, training and development opportunities, healthcare, etc.)

· Planet - Discuss your approach to minimize your impact on the environment. (An example would be to create processes to minimize waste or reduce energy usage; maybe you are using recycled materials, etc.)

Reference no: EM132353263

Questions Cloud

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