Discuss women and the american revolution

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Reference no: EM131734776

This is my essay for my history class about women and the American Revolution. Obviously it has to be way better than this, each paragraph has to be atleast one paragraph long. It definately has to be re-worded too.

Article Review

Women And the American Revolution

During the American Revolution, women faced many challenges while running their households. Often depending on the men of the house only benefited very few, such as women who were married with children. Most of these women lost their husbands during the war which forced them to take care of their families on their own. In the past it was abnormal for women to work, let alone take on rolls made for men.

The proof lies within their poerty or excerps. Women were pretending to be men to serve the United States simply because women were denied to do so. women who were single mothers found it difficult to protect their children, often threatened by tribes of Indian breeched their safety. Women and children were killed, and some forced to move away.

In my mind, it was the fact that few women had a story to tell. Whether it was a poem or just a statement. It grabbed my attention. For example when Abigail Adams told the storyabout women taking on men tolls and running their households alone. Another attention getterwas the fact that these women have a lot in common and their storied are not a cry for help but more exposure of the struggle.

My only opinionated weakness about this article is that most will not understand what the poems are about. The article itself explains what those women encountered on a daily basis. In conclusion, by writing them, and how the article portrayed their struggle, opened up many doors for women today.

Reference no: EM131734776

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