Reference no: EM132170349
Following are software applications:
1. Cardiac (heart) pacemaker software
2. Air-traffic control software
3. Video game software
4. An anti-virus software
5. Software for driverless car (self-driving or autonomous car)
The quality factors to consider are Correctness, Reliability, Efficiency, Integrity, Usability, Maintainability, Testability, Flexibility, Portability, Reusability, Interoperability to answer the following questions for each software type listed above.
(a) I have to select two software quality factors that I think are CRITICAL in the operation of the software, and discuss with concrete examples, valid arguments and justification why I consider those factors to be critical in the operation of the software.
(b) I have to select two software quality factors that I think are NOT CRITICAL in the operation of the software, and discuss with concrete examples, valid arguments and justification why I consider those factors not to be critical in the operation of the software.