Discuss willingness to understand and respect diversity

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Reference no: EM133687209

Homework: Professionalism Self-Assessment


For this homework, you will complete a self-assessment of your professionalism in regard to the criteria outlined below. You will use the Professionalism Self-Assessment provided under the Professionalism Self-Assessment Resources section located on the homework page. A self-assessment example will also be provided on the homework page.

In accordance with the Social Work Student Handbook, these are the ProfessionalPerformance Skills and Expectations:

1. Adherence to the Department Attendance Policy

2. Professional and respectful written communication

3. Punctuality

4. Completion of readings and homework

5. Completion of all homework on time and to Liberty University level standards

6. Use of appropriate netiquette in responses to peers, staff, and faculty

7. Work collaboratively and cooperatively with others

8. Demonstration of respect for others' opinions

9. Demonstration of a willingness to understand and respect diversity regarding race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, disability, and sexual orientation

10. Demonstration of and commitment to the essential values and ethical standards of social work specified in the NASW Code of Ethics and the NACSW Statement of Faith and Practice

11. Use of appropriate self-disclosure

12. Demonstration of critical thinking skills

13. Demonstration of self-awareness in assessing own strengths, limitations, and suitability for ethical practice

14. Exhibition of an understanding of how one's values, attitudes, beliefs, emotions, and past experiences affect thinking, behavior, and relationships.

15. Clear articulation of ideas, thoughts, and concepts through effective oral communication

16. Manages constructive feedback well.

Reference no: EM133687209

Questions Cloud

Discuss the american indian civil rights history : Explain what events have led to indigenous people to legally fight for protection and try to legally prevent violence against Native American Women.
What if after the first period the game ends : What if after the first period the game ends, Implementation with the help of a termination probability and Distinction between observation and statistically
What were the goals of congressional reconstruction : What were the goals of Congressional Reconstruction, and to what extent were they achieved?
Scope of practice regulations : Determine the statement that indicates that an NP who is working in a restricted practice state understands the scope of practice regulations.
Discuss willingness to understand and respect diversity : Discuss willingness to understand and respect diversity regarding race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, disability, and sexual orientation
How was costumes of antonio-bruno in film the bicycle 1948 : How was the costumes of Antonio and Bruno in the film the bicycle 1948?
Describe the focus of qualitative data analysis : Describe the focus of qualitative data analysis. Explain how understanding qualitative data analysis can improve your social work practice.
What were the most important spanish settlements in texas : How did Spain use missions, presidios, and towns to settle Texas in the Eighteenth century? What were the most important Spanish settlements in Texas?
Describe own words the mission of life magazine : Finally, based on the link above regarding the history of Life, describe in your own words the mission of Life magazine.


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