Discuss william situation from traditional psychology

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Reference no: EM131523371

Positive Versus Traditional Psychology

Disease Model Versus Positive Psychology Worksheet

Read the scenario and answer the questions in no less than 200 words each. Support your responses with detail from this week's assigned video and reading. Include APA-formatted citations and references.

William is a 44-year old project manager for a large commercial construction firm. He started out as a gifted carpenter who greatly enjoyed designing and building custom furniture. However, after several promotions, he focuses on bringing in new business. He spends many work hours at his computer or on the telephone. He is divorced and rarely sees his two daughters. In recent years, he has gained weight and is displeased with his appearance, but has no interest in or energy for exercise. He does not sleep well because he worries about business problems at night. He was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure. Although he is financially secure, he rarely takes vacations or socializes outside of the office. He has begun to feel that his life is pointless.

1. Discuss William's situation from the perspective of traditional psychology. What information would be most important? What conclusions and recommendations might be made by a psychologist working from the disease model?

2. Discuss William's situation from the perspective of positive psychology. What information would be most important? What conclusions and recommendations might be made by a psychologist working from the positive psychology model?


Baumgardner, S. R., & Crothers, M. K. (2009). Positive psychology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.


Conduct a poll of at least five people by asking the following questions. Evaluate each answer and decide whether you would consider it as hedonic or eudaimonic, and record it in the table. Finally, answer the question below the table in 200-350 words.

  • What makes you happy?
  • Would you say you are living "the good life?" Why or why not?
  • If you could make any changes you wished that would make you happier, what would those be?

Write a summary of your results. What common beliefs about happiness were evident in your results?

Reference no: EM131523371

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