Discuss why you chose the specific organization

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Reference no: EM132718974

Question: The ability to present in front of one's peers is a staple undergraduate work. Students will have 7 minutes to present their professional development internship presentation. Students are required to utilize either PowerPoint or Prezi during their presentation. Graphics projected on the screen must support the spoken word, help clarify ideas, emphasize key points, show relationships, and provide the visual information your audience needs to understand your message. The visual presentation should not be used as a que card. Students are not allowed to read directly from their presentation. Students are allowed the use of flash cards but must make occasional and consistent eye contact with their audience during the presentation. Students must appear clearly knowledgably and well-prepared for the presentation. Business casual dress is required. Students must select a date and time to present their paper by the end of week 1.

Your presentation should, at a minimum, consist of the following:

• Open your presentation with your elevator pitch using the guidelines provided in the craft your elevator pitch assignment.

• Discuss why you chose this specific organization.

• Discuss in detail how this internship aided in your immediate career goals post LSU.

• Discuss the over internship experience. What did you learn?

• Discuss, in detail, your professional development goals. Did you achieve them? Be specific here, do not provide vague platitudes.

• Collection of Evidence. Provide pictures or other artifacts.

• Discuss selected Journal Entries (3-4) and or specific experiences you'd like to share with the class.

• Discuss two take-aways from your mock interview experience.

• Discuss two take-aways from the Asher book.

• Discuss your plans after graduation. Where will you be working or attending graduate school? If you did get a job or acceptance to graduate school, what will you be doing or studying? Discuss the firm or university. Discuss why you choose this firm or university.

Reference no: EM132718974

Questions Cloud

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Discuss why you chose the specific organization : The ability to present in front of one's peers is a staple undergraduate work. Students will have 7 minutes to present their professional development.
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Terrorist acts vs. criminal acts : How does a terrorist attack differ from an ordinary criminal act? Do you believe there should be a difference between the two?


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