Discuss why you chose geriatric syndrome for your client

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Reference no: EM133387295 , Length: 5 pages

Geriatric Syndrome Paper

Purpose of the Paper

Nurses will care for increasing numbers of clients who are over the age of 65. The student will discuss the assessment of a geriatric utilizing the Fulmer SPICES assessment. The student will then choose one of the six geriatric syndromes to discuss, in relation to this client:
• Sleep disruption
• Problems with eating and Feeding
• Incontinence
• Confusion
• Evidence of falls
• Skin breakdown

From the modules and assigned readings, students should be familiar with normal aging changes and the geriatric syndromes. The student will utilize evidence-based practice sources to identify nursing interventions which can reduce the impact of a chosen geriatric syndrome on the client.


1. Identify a client 65 years and older to interview.

2. Describe your findings in the body of your paper.

3. Choose one of the six geriatric syndromes identified in this assignment.
A. Research your chosen geriatric syndrome. You must use at least three (3) sources that will be cited in your paper, by 7th ed. APA format

4. Discuss why you chose this geriatric syndrome for your client (rationale for your choice based on your knowledge of the ACES framework, physiological aging changes, and EBP geriatric nursing care.

5. Describe how normal aging changes could affect this geriatric syndrome.

6. How can the nurse intervene to reduce the impact of this geriatric syndrome in your client?

7. Write a three (3) to four (4) page paper, not including the title or reference page. Double space the type, use 12 font and one (l) inch margins. 10. The format of your paper should be as follows:

a. An introductory paragraph, describing your client and why you chose this client for this paper.

b. A paragraph describing the results of your SPICES assessment of your client.

c. A least 2-3 paragraphs discussing in-depth one of the six geriatric syndromes listed above that you chose. Please include your rationale for selecting this geriatric syndrome for this palticular client. These paragraphs should explain how your chosen geriatric syndrome affects the client's:

i. Quality of life? ii. Functional level? iii. Ability to socialize?

d. A paragraph or two should include Utilizing evidence-based sources by discussing: i. Nursing interventions that could be utilized for this client. ii. Whether these interventions could potentially reduce the impact of the geriatric syndrome on this client. iii. Additional resources for addressing this syndrome which might be helpful in your Long Term Care facility.
e. Lastly, include a reflective paragraph that explains how you will utilize the tenets of this paper in your future nursing practice.
f. Use proper grammar, spelling, and formatting.
g. Refer to the grading rubric to ensure obtaining maximum points on your paper.

Attachment:- Geriatric Syndrome Paper.rar

Reference no: EM133387295

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