Reference no: EM133778146
Assignment: Literature
Now that you have begun to address a potential topic for your dissertation or doctoral project, it is time to focus on the theory or theories that can ground and guide your study of the topic. To do so, you must be able to respond correctly to the following questions:
1. What is theory?
2. What is the role of theory?
More importantly, however, you must be able to identify the theory that fits best with your work and how it will function in your study.
The Theory YOU SPOKE
In relation to my topic, Navigating Change in Healthcare Environments, the relevant theory is Kotter's 8-step change model. For many reasons, some of which include the regulatory issues and complexities associated with patients that may interfere with change in healthcare, I consider the Kotters model to be the ideal theoretical framework for my topic. The model emphasizes elements such as creating urgency and establishing a clear vision when trying to make a change (Aziz, 2017). In regards to my topic, an effective change in healthcare can be initiated if a sense of urgency is created. Especially when patients well-being and safety is concerned.
Moreover, the need for quality improvement following the rapidly expanding healthcare problems illustrates the urgency for a change in the healthcare environment. In reference to the kotters step, the guiding team in healthcare may involve the administrators, nurses, physicians, and regulators who have control over the change process in healthcare. The theory mentions that creating a vision is inevitable; a vision related to the change in healthcare may include the need to create a healthcare system in the future where patient safety and the coordination of care will be the central activities. Generally, Kotter's step model aligns with my topic given that it outlines the step-by-step process of navigating a change in healthcare environments.
Using the Capella library guide for your discipline, search for 10 additional articles on your potential topic and summarize the theory used in those studies, addressing the following in a Word document:
1. Identify a potential theory to ground and guide a future study.
2. Discuss why you believe the articles address your theory.
3. Discuss how the theory is used in each article.
4. Discuss what role the theory played in the study.
5. Articulate the role of theory in the type of study under consideration to be conducted.
6. If applicable, discuss the differences in how you would apply theory in quantitative and qualitative studies.
7. Discuss how the articles identified gaps in theory or practice.
8. As a scholar-practitioner, apply conventions of voice, academic tone, and discipline-specific language.