Discuss why these digital assets are important

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Reference no: EM133316956

Question: In a complete paragraph, identify at least 2 digital assets owned by the student, university, or the student's employer and discuss why these digital assets are important. In a second paragraph, include at least 2 biblical principles that pertain to the theft of an individual's belongings. APA Format

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The smart devices namely laptop and smartphone are chosen for the student as they will help the student to get quick access to information relating to the university .These devices will also save their time as they will be able to get access to the study materials without being physically present in the classroom. However, there are certain biblical principles that restrict individuals from stealing others' personal belongings. The first principle clearly states that an individual should never steal the personal things belonging to another person. The second principle also states that theft should be discouraged and he should be motivated to work honestly for earning his livelihood. Therefore, these two principles prohibit individuals from stealing and should be remembered by every individual.

Reference no: EM133316956

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