Discuss why or why not the chosen group reflects

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133650568

Homework: Biology- Anatomy- Leadership Development Training


As we have discussed, an appreciation of leadership theory and style is crucial to effective social work leadership. Reading current literature, discussing important issues with fellow practitioners engaged in leadership roles, and attending formal leadership training seminars or classes are some ways to stay up-to-date and continue your professional development as a social work leader.

For your homework, you are asked to create an advanced social work leadership training program for the organization for which you are currently working. The product should comprise 12 pages.


Complete the following:

A. Articulate and explain the goals and objectives of the proposed program.

B. Choose who you will invite to the program and explain your choices.

C. Discuss why or why not the chosen group reflects the cultural diversity of the agency.

D. Decide upon the elements of the program and evaluate your decisions. Be sure to include:

1. Plans for when and where the program will be held and a justification for your plan.

2. Three leadership self-assessments that participants will take and an explanation of why you have chosen them.

3. At least five topics (such as effective leadership, honesty and integrity, self-awareness, and team building) to be covered in the program and rationales for their selection.

E. Explain the leadership theory or theories upon which you based your choices.

F. Articulate how you will address leadership ethics in your training program.

G. Formulate and illustrate how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed program.

Reference no: EM133650568

Questions Cloud

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Discuss why or why not the chosen group reflects : Choose who you will invite to the program and explain your choices. Discuss why or why not the chosen group reflects the cultural diversity of the agency.
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