Reference no: EM131794336
Problem - Attached are the financial statements for Boston Beer Company that you are to use for the cash flow assignment. Note I have included all of the statements as you may want to look at statements other than the cash flow statement as you answer the questions in the assignment.
1) Over the most recent three years what has been the company's experience with the production of net income?
2) Over the most recent three years what has been the company's experience with the production of cash flow from operations?
3) Discuss why net income and cash from operation are different. Be specific and also discuss in your answer the major items that create these differences in the most recent year.
4) What are the major ongoing needs for cash outside of operations?
5) How has the company been able to pay for the cash needs outlined in question (4)? Comment on all three years.
6) In general, how does the company finance its business? Use data from the financial statements to support your answer.
7) Discuss whether you believe that the company will continue to provide sufficient cash from operations to support its cash needs.
8) Suppose that you were a banker who was evaluating the company for a potential loan. What would you see as the pros and cons with lending money to the company?
Attachment:- Financial Statements.rar