Discuss why CSR may be important for companies

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133142249 , Length: word count: 2100 words

Assignment Task - REPORT - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

-be able to research and compare various sources of information about management.

-be able to compare and contrast the work of influential management thinkers and researchers.

-be able to explain their personal values and experience in relation to management theory.

-be able to apply management theory in order to analyse management dilemmas and problems, and provide recommendations for action.

This assessment will assist you learn to:

-research and compare various sources of information about management (LO1)

-compare and contrast the work of influential management thinkers and researchers (LO2)

-express opinions on management issues with clarity from an objective position backed up with sound evidence and analysis (part LO4)

-present academic writing (academic literacy and numeracy) apply APA 7 citation and referencing skills (academic literacy and numeracy).

Please read the article - Kasturi Rangan, V., Chase, L., Karim, S. (2015) The Truth About CSR. Harvard Business Review. January-February 2015.

Task -

De?ne the key term 'CSR';

Discuss one of the examples of CSR mentioned in the article and any outcomes that may have had;

Discuss why CSR may be important for companies and whether CSR should be an explicit or implicit managerial responsibility;

Choose an organisation with which you are familiar with / are working for / would like to work for and brie?y describe this business and overview their CSR strategy and performance. You will need to incorporate and apply the theory of CSR in your discussion

For this assignment, you are also required to create a professional looking document by using a report format.

Reference no: EM133142249

Questions Cloud

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Discuss why CSR may be important for companies : Discuss why CSR may be important for companies and whether CSR should be an explicit or implicit managerial responsibility
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