Reference no: EM131083954
Read these BEFORE you proceed further:
• Your responses to any three of the four questions are due before the end of the university-scheduled final exam time for this class.
• This is an open-book (well, open-readings), open-notes test.
o Make sure you provide details on the references that are outside of the class materials.
• Thou SHALL NOT consult with anybody
o Violating this will result in severe penalties for the offenders.
• A well-crafted answer (per question) may be articulated in about 500 words
• In developing your answers:
o You have to integrate your understanding of ideas across the contents of more than one week.
o Bring in appropriate keywords/concepts, and evidence from the readings
- When discussing keywords/concepts, do not merely copy/paste them from websites; explain your understanding of those ideas in your own words.
o Provide logical arguments that carefully examine the pros and the cons
- DO NOT merely provide your reflective opinions
• Avoid rhetorical statements and metaphors
• Answers should be word-processed and double-spaced.
• Pay attention to the mechanics of writing
o Grammar, spell-check, etc.
1. The market system operates via prices. Discuss how through prices a finite resource like crude oil will never really be exhausted, which will then make that resource seem infinite.
2. Discuss whether location is more or less important in the secondary sector activities in comparison with the tertiary sector activities.
3. In I, Pencil, Leonard Read notes that one cannot find any trace of a mastermind in the creation of a pencil. "Instead, we find the Invisible Hand at work" he writes. Is that metaphor also why we then end up with uncoordinated economic activities negatively impacting the natural environment, and is that a good argument for why we should not pursue economic activities?
4. Absurdistan's population pyramids for the years 2000 and 2050 are provided below. (Age is represented on the Y-axis, and the population count in hundred-thousands is shown along the X-axis.) Based ONLY on the data provided in the graphics, what can you infer about the trends in fertility rates in those time periods? At what stage of the demographic transition will Absurdistan be in 2050?

An iid sequence of exponential random variables
: X1,..., Xn is an iid sequence of exponential random variables, each with expected value 5. (a) What is Var[M9(X)], the variance of the sample mean based on nine trials?
Determine the number of complex multiplications
: Given a sequence x(n) for 0 ≤ n ≤ 3, where x(0) = 4, x(1) = 3, x(2) = 2, and x(3) = 1, evaluate its DFT X(k) using the decimation-in-time FFT method, and determine the number of complex multiplications.
A binary bit stream over an m-psk system
: Continuing Problem 8.4.9, in the mapping of the bit sequence b2b1b0 to the symbols si, we wish to determine the probability of error for each input bit bi. Let qi denote the probability that bit bi is decoded in error.
Investigate the spectrum for each measurement
: Investigate the spectrum for each measurement and identify sidebands. For each measurement, determine the ratio of the largest sideband amplitude over the amplitude of meshing frequency. Investigate the relation between the computed ratio values a..
Discuss whether location is more or less important
: Discuss whether location is more or less important in the secondary sector activities in comparison with the tertiary sector activities.
Simulation to estimate the probability of symbol error
: In Problem 8.4.5, we used simulation to estimate the probability of symbol error. For transmitting a binary bit stream over an M-PSK system, we set each M = 2N and each transmitted symbol corresponds to N bits.
Development of marketing strategies
: Demonstrate an understanding of the principles underlying the development of marketing strategies, especially in relation to services and consumer goods
Simulate the multi-level qam system
: Simulate the multi-level QAM system of Problem 8.3.5. Estimate the probability of symbol error and the probability of bit error as a function of the noise variance σ2.
User system with a fixed set of code vectors
: For the CDMA system in Problem 8.3.9, we wish to use Matlab to evaluate the bit error rate (BER) performance of the decorrelater introduced Problem 8.3.10. In particular, we want to estimate Pe, the probability that for a set of randomly chosen co..