Reference no: EM132577022 , Length: 550 Words
Assignment - Watch the following film, "Violence and Solutions" or read at least two of the following articles. Post your reaction journal by following the instructions below. (You have to discuss all of the following four topics.) Write your essay in four paragraphs as a response to the following four questions in order. Your discussion should be sociological, addressing your analysis and opinion toward the issues of domestic violence in our country and around the world. Your comment should be no less than 500 words in total. Each question is worth 1 point. 1 point will be deducted from your original score if you did not conduct a spell check before submitting your work or follow the instructed writing format.
Read at least two of the following articles (if you choose this option). Make sure you identify the titles of the articles that you read in the first paragraph of your journal.
"Domestic Violence Awareness Hasn't Caught Up With #MeToo. Here's Why."
"Victims of Sexual Violence Often Stay in Touch With Their Abusers. Here's Why."
"Can A Woman's Rising Social Status Bring Down Rates Of Domestic Violence?"
1. Discuss what you learned from the film (or the articles). Alternatively, you could discuss the arguments introduced in the film (or the articles) that you would agree with and why.
2. Present your critique and/or questions toward the issues addressed in the film (or the articles). Alternatively, you could discuss the arguments introduced in the film (or the articles) that you would not agree with and why.
3. Discuss how the discussions and issues introduced in the film (or the articles) relate to what you have learned from the chapters of Violence and Abuse and/or other topics covered in this course so far. Make sure that you discuss some specific statistics, theories, research findings and/or discussions introduced in the text and how those are related to the content of the film. Indicate the page number(s) on which you obtained the information.
4. Discuss your overall opinions and/or reactions to the topic after watching the film (or the articles).
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