Discuss what types of tools you would need to do the work.

Assignment Help Computer Graphics
Reference no: EM13950976

Write a short description of a potential multimedia presentation that could be implemented across the WWW for a particular subject of interest to you. The choice is yours and it can be from anywhere in the world. Later, you will be expected to demonstrate your skills through a series of simple exercises, (please note we do not expect you to be fully conversant with such things as server side scripts, PHP ,ASP etc.), therefore do not make it too restrictive. The description should be about a page and is not the final design document. I've found it best to avoid controversial or political subjects.

You should consider and discuss what types of tools you would need to do the work.

Reference no: EM13950976

Questions Cloud

Head of marketing for jones construction : Marie Smith is the head of Marketing for Jones Construction. Harry Brown is the on-site project manager for all major construction projects. Marie is interested in expanding the budget for general marketing activities. Harry wants these resources ..
Negotiation different from a distributive negotiation : What makes an integrative negotiation different from a distributive negotiation? Define the key steps in the integrative negotiation process. How does establishment of a BATNA aid the parties in realizing their integrative outcome?
Should the conclusions between the two tests consistent : Should the conclusions between the two tests consistent? Why or why not? If the conclusions are not consistent, which one would you agree with and why?
How much of your first payment will be applied : How much of your first payment will be applied towards the principal of the loan? (Points: 3) a. $5,000b. $4,372c. $4,790d. Zero, all will be applied towards the interest
Discuss what types of tools you would need to do the work. : The description should be about a page and is not the final design document. I've found it best to avoid controversial or political subjects.
Define and contrast the walkaway points : Define and contrast the Walkaway Points, Target Points and Asking Price/Initial Offer of the parties. What are some of the strategies that could be used by each party to achieve the outcome they desire?
Indicate the shortest possible wavelength in the lyman : Create a figure like Fig. 14.3, but which shows a detailed view of the Ly-man series. Let the wavelength scale at the top of your figure range from 0 to 150nm, as opposed to 0-2 μm in Fig. 14.3. Also include an energy level drawing like at the bottom..
Impacts the negotiation process : Define the term "conflict" and describe how it impacts the negotiation process. Your explanation should include the 4 levels of conflict and the dysfunctions that conflict can create. In your response, you need to also provide your opinion as to w..
Interactions between the various departments : Joe McDonald is the HR manager of ACME chemicals. His boss, Bill Jacobs, is concerned that the interactions between the various departments of the company are inconsistent and that there is too much competition between departments rather than coop..


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