Discuss what tissue layer are villi and microvilli found

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133289974



1. How would the functions of the small intestines be impaired if some was born without villi, microvilli, and smooth muscle in the small intestines?

2. Discuss the impact of all these structures when present in an individual and what problems would arise if these structures are missing.

3. Specifically, discuss what tissue layer are villi and microvilli found, what do they do, what happens if they are missing?

4. Where are the locations of smooth muscle, what specific tissue layer(s) are they found? What do they do when normally present and what would happen with regards to digestion if they are missing? Explain in your own words using complete sentences (discuss the anatomy of the small intestines in your answer and how the anatomy and function is effected).

Reference no: EM133289974

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