Reference no: EM133734467 , Length: 6-8
Assignment: Endangered Species Act Policy Essay
In a 6 to 8 page essay (excluding title and reference page), in APA format, students will be expected to:
A. Choose a policy: The policy must be directly related to the environment or natural resources. This policy could be from the pre-1960s era or post-1960s era.
B. Discuss the paradigm: Discuss what paradigm and or institutions underpinned the policy you've chosen (e.g., this policy was made based on the assumption that natural resources are abundant and will always be abundant)
C. Analyze the policy: Use the policy cycle framework to explain the policy's progression over time (i.e., agenda-setting stage, policy formulation stage, policy adoption, policy implementation, policy evaluation).
D. What's next or what came after: Describe what you expect to happen with this policy in the future (e.g., I expect stricter vehicle emissions regulations as global warming intensifies). Or, for older policies, what happened? Was the policy replaced, what impact did this policy have on future policies (e.g., the Clean Water Act has been amended multiple times to meet new quality standards over the decades)?