Reference no: EM132319320
Pick an ad, and think about and discuss what made the advertising agency create such an ad (3-4 pages long; produced in Microsoft Word in Times Romans 11pt type with 1.5 line spacing and 1 inch margins). Reflect on what you have learned from class discussions, lecture slides, videos, and book chapters up to this point. You should do some research using the library (e.g., Mintel, Claritas 360) or online resources (e.g., articles from an industry magazine [Adweek and Advertising Age] or any reputable newspaper, magazine or website), and address the following questions in the 2nd paper:
What were the key market situations that drove the advertiser to create such an ad?
What was/were the problem (or problems) that the advertiser wanted to solve?
Who do you think was the advertiser's primary target audience? Create the target persona that corresponds to the ad.
What were the advertiser's advertising (communication) objectives?
What did the advertiser want to say to their target audience (what was the advertiser hoping for their target audience to perceive and think after seeing this ad?)
Do you think the ad was successful? Evaluate the ad you have chosen.
There is no right or wrong answer but I want you to practice using your critical, analytical, creative thinking and problem-solving skills. Thus, provide me your original, educated guess on what made the advertising agency create such an ad and back up your thoughts with some evidence by citing library or online resources using APA style. If you are not familiar with APA style,
Please note:
You should include your ad or examples of ads that illustrate your points as appendices. Incorporating photos, graphics or other images is expected but these do not count as part of the written length of the paper
Spelling and grammar matter - you will lose points for errors that could have been avoided by careful proofreading.