Discuss what kind of identity domains you have developed

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Reference no: EM133602347


The central question about self is the development of identity, a set of ideals and beliefs we hold dear about ourselves. However, Adams, Marcia and others contend we form identities in many different areas, in adolescence and emerging adulthood, such as career identity, social role identity, religious identity and even recreational identity-think of the avid college football fan. For most of us, we choose these identities, based on factors such as our interests and talents. Moreover, Waterman and Waterman found that some identities can change over time - sometimes as in the example of college majors, many times. However, identity in some domains such as race, can be imposed by "society." Consider the video, Voices of Transracial Adoptees. Many of these individuals have internal belief systems of themselves. Yet at times, also doubt, as people they interact with have imposed their views onto them and their own self-definition. Give a brief overview/description of the video (enough that I can tell you did watch it).

I. Consider the main issue of the video which is parents of transracial adoptees need to talk about race with their children. Provide a basic description of the two main people in the video and current events. Then discuss how based on Marcia's four Identity Statuses, these people can be at different statuses for different domains, including race, career development (or college major), religion, and/or recreational activities. Do you think that having "THE CONVERSATION" is important enough that if a parent can't they need to "farm it out?" How does this conversation impact identity status? Please explain your choice to convey you understand Marcia's Identity Statuses.

II. Do you think it is possible that different Identity domains may leak or impact other domains? Why?

III. Secondly, reflect on your own life and discuss what kind of identity domains you have developed, and how your personal choices and society may have influenced you.

Reference no: EM133602347

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