Reference no: EM132291654
Comparison/Contrast Essay -
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Assignment - Select TWO of the readings we've discussed this semester and write an analytic essay in which you explore what both authors' works, when put side by side, say about a specific topic.
There are many of our writing assignments that ask you to compare and contrast two authors. Feel free to select your topic from using part or all of a weekly writing assignment.
Important - Each body paragraph should focus on a subpoint you are making (not whether the authors are similar or different. Within each body paragraph, discuss each author and how s/he does x.
Use evidence from the text to back up your claims. Then, discuss what conclusions can be drawn from these two works together on that subpoint. Your goal is NOT to just say that they are similar or different.
Your goal is to tell us why we should care that they are similar or different. What can we learn from their similarities or differences. You should have at least 3 - 4 body paragraphs. Include an introduction and conclusion paragraph as well.
Length - must be at least 1200 words long Citations - you can cite in APA, but each body paragraph should have some citations from the original text to back up your work. Most of the paragraph should be you speaking however and not the textbook.
Works Cited or References - You must proper put a reference entry at the end of the essay for the two works you use. You can use up to ONE outside source, in addition to the two original texts you use. My topic is comparing Confucius views human nature along with its attributes versus Bhagavad-gita beliefs on human action.