Reference no: EM131761066
Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates.
In your response, discuss what aspects of an effective, motivating classroom environment can increase the opportunities for students to be creative in the classroom.
Your response
Your response
Melesha Cotton
Discussion 2: Schools and Creativity
Sir Ken Robinson suggests that our schools are killing creativity.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
I would agree that traditional schools setting are killing creativity. Robinson says, "Our education system is predicated on the idea of academic ability" (TED). The focus in some school settings are focused solely on academic achievement. This leaves the teacher little creativity with making the lessons innovative. It also stifles the child from expressing there natural abilities.
Do you think the focus on 21st century skills will refocus the priority in schools away from solely mastering discrete skills?
The 21st century skills will help to refocus the priority of mastering discrete skills in schools. As Norman says, "21st-centuryskills place more emphasis on what students can do with their knowledge, rather than focusing exclusively on learning specificcore content or facts" (Norman, 2013). This means schools will have to find ways to integrate curriculum that promotes discovery and innovation.
If it did, would this be a positive improvement in our education system?
If the purpose of our educational system is to prepare our students for the future, then this would be huge leaps and bounds for our educational system. The world is engaging in rapid changes that require students to have a depth of understanding far pass the discrete skills so heavily emphasized.
Would it lead to more opportunities for students to be creative? Explain your thinking.
The 21st century skills will help to refocus the priority of mastering discrete skills in schools. As Norman says, "21st-century skills place more emphasis on what students can do with their knowledge, rather than focusing exclusively on learning specific core content or facts" (Norman, 2013). This means schools will have to find ways to integrate curriculum that promotes discovery and innovation. to use critical thinking and problem solving skills which are two components of the 21st century skills.
Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and Learning in the 21st century: Connecting the dots. [Electronic version].
*This text is a Constellation course digital materials (CDM) title TED. (2006, June). Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity [Video file].
Junianna Roberson
Discussion 2: Schools and creativity
Sir Ken Robinson Suggests that our school are killing creativity
To what extend do you agree or disagree?
After watching Ken Robinson Video I agree that the tradition school setting are killing creativity. Robinson says that many school do not art, music, and dance because the budget cut, many children are told to sit down and do not move. I agree with Ken Robinson when he said that the some school are focused academic achievement. However this make no time for teacher to creativity lesson plan for the week.
Do you think the focus on 21st century skills will refocus the priority in schools away from solely mastering discrete skills?
Yes I think the focus on 21st century skills will refocus the priority in schools away from solely mastering discrete skills. According to Norman students need to be able to apply knowledge in complex situations, think critically. (Norman, 2013)
If it did, would this be a positive improvement in our education system?
The positive improvement in our education system is mastery goals and performance goals. The mastery goals are intrinsically based and are characterized by an individual's desire for self improvement, with an emphasis on learning. (Norman, 2013). I believe that young children with type of goal setting style are satisfied when solving challenging problems (Canfield & Zastavker, 2010).
Would it lead to more opportunities for students to be creative? Explain your thinking.
Yes I believe that it will lead children to more opportunities to be creative in the classroom. I also believe that students should opportunities to be creative by using technology, solving their our problem. Encourge students to use their critical thinking skills.
Ted. (2006, June) Ken Robinson say school kill creativity video file}
Newman, R (2013). Teaching and learning in the 21st century: connecting the dots. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint eduction.
Canfield, C. & Zastavker, Y (2010, October) Achievement Goal Theory: A framework for implement group work and open-ended problem solving (40th).