Discuss two key themes or moments in the history

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Reference no: EM133511197

Case Study: As noted in the Unit 14 Lecture Slides, with the ratification of the 13th Amendment in 1865, Black peoples in the USA were technically "freed" from enslavement. However, a backdoor to re-enslavement also exists in the same 13th Amendment through language that legalized "slavery" or "involuntary servitude" for those individuals convicted of "crime." What emerges in the former "Slave South" through this backdoor clause is a post-Civil War period of mass criminalization, mass incarceration, and mass convict-leasing that disproportionately targeted U.S. Blacks throughout the South and nation as a whole. This system of convict-leasing - as a form of "neo-slavery" - was not fully outlawed until 1941 through Circular Number 3591, enacted by then U.S. Attorney General Francis Biddle serving under the administration of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The documentary Slavery by Another Name (2012) is based on the Pulitzer Prize winning-book of the same title by David A. Blackmon. The documentary tells the story of post-Civil War mass criminalization, mass incarceration, and mass convict-leasing of U.S. Blacks in the South.

Question 1: Based on your viewing of Slavery by Another Name, identify AND discuss TWO (2) key themes or moments in the history of the mass criminalization, mass incarceration, and mass convict-leasing during the era of post-Reconstruction Racial Apartheid.

Question 2: Support your responses with specific information from the video - including quotations -in order to receive the FULL possible points. Raising questions about and discussing specific information that you do not understand also counts towards the possible points.


Reference no: EM133511197

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