Discuss two industry applications of graph databases

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133768482

Data Acquisition and Management

Assessment - Practical graph database coding and research

Your Task
You are required to:
Complete each of the graph database queries provided in a Neo4J CQL script file.
Prepare a team presentation to explain and summarise the business insights found, when executing the CQL scripts, and the corresponding data visualisations (Nodes/Tables) produced.

Business Problem: Suppose that you are an analyst for the department of aviation. You have been provided with data from Australian airports, such as the number of flights in and out of cities, flight times and delays. With this in mind,

Part A: Teamwork Presentation
Form groups of 3 or 4 students and chose a team leader.
Notes: Your lecturer would have provided the Neo4j script 7 days prior to the date of presentation.
Access the PowerPoint slide instructions provided by your lecturer in class and work through the business problems as described.
Create at least 5 slides to present your team's findings.

Part B: Individual Report (600 words)
As an individual, perform some research and provide answers to the following:

How do graph databases and the format of the data used by them differ from traditional SQL databases? Illustrate your answers.

Discuss two industry applications of graph databases with illustrations.

List and briefly explain one challenge in relation to using graph databases to explore patterns and relationships.

Reference no: EM133768482

Questions Cloud

Literature review on repatriate management : Analyse the gaps in the existing literature on repatriate management, including areas that have not been extensively researched or areas where the research
Why it is essential to be a media and information literate : Why it is essential to be a media and information literate? How can you become literate in media and information technology?
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Future information system solutions : How will future information system solutions with the larger clinical IT ecosystems have to operate and promote clinical and technological interoperability
Discuss two industry applications of graph databases : Discuss two industry applications of graph databases with illustrations. List and briefly explain one challenge in relation to using graph databases
Disorders of brain function : Disorders of Brain Function Bonnie is a 70-year-old woman who lives alone. One evening, she felt light-headed and dizzy.
What steps do you want to take to achieve the goal : What steps do you want to take to achieve this goal? Is your goal reasonable or just a dream? These are just ideas to help you get started.
Complained of severe stomach ache and rushed to washroom : He complained of severe stomach ache and rushed to the washroom. choose objective and subjective signs in this scenario
Demonstrate effective written communication skills : What issue does the article deal with? What is the central argument? Is the argument well-substantiated? Are there any gaps/limitations? Biases? What evidence


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