Reference no: EM133288046
Poverty is a situation faced by people whose basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing are minimally satisfied. Due to sustained economic growth and poverty eradication policies, Malaysia has successfully transformed itself from a poor income nation into a middle-income nation. However, there still vulnerable groups of people experiencing income inequalities in Malaysia.
Suggest THREE (3) causes of hardcore and poverty.
Discuss TWO (2) causes of income inequality exists in Malaysia.
The government introduced the National Agricultural Policy 2 (NAP2) in 1992 to focus on the expansionary policy on export crops including oil palm and cocoa. The policy aimed to increase the productivity, efficiency and competitiveness in the development of new resources and to optimize the utilization of existing resources.
Discuss FIVE (5) strategies use in NAP 2.
The secondary sector of the economy generally encompasses economic activities that transform inputs from the primary sector into goods for final consumption by firms, individuals, government and foreign entities.
Discuss the contributions of industrial activities.
Elaborate the differences between heave industries and small and medium entities (SMEs).