Discuss two areas of the united states economy

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131189502

Discussion Question- "The 80s and Deregulation"

Please respond to the following: (Note: Please respond to one of the following two bulleted items in a primary posting of at least 125 words.

1) Discuss two areas of the United States economy that Ronald Reagan deregulated in the eighties. Explain at least two methods the Reagan Administration used to deregulate these particular agencies or programs. Explain the fundamental reasons why you believe that these agencies or programs came under Reagan's scrutiny in the first place. Provide a rationale for your response.

2) Discuss at least two areas in which these deregulation policies impacted the U.S. economy overall and may have had roles in laying the foundation for the Great Recession of 2008. Provide a rationale for your response.

Reference no: EM131189502

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