Reference no: EM133227439
Question 1.
Causative agent (toxin), exposure route(s), dosage information (i.e. LD50, NOEL), toxicokinetics (metabolism, distribution, excretion), toxicodynamics (symptoms, chronic, acute, etc), latency of disease and prognosis for outcomes. You may want to explore what may make some populations susceptible or vulnerable, are animals able to get botulism, or has the toxin identified in forensic investigations?
Question 2.
Precautions (risk management strategies) used to prevent the occurrence of botulinum toxin forming in canned foods, and the occurrence of botulism in communities (food safety standards, public health, or agricultural legislation/intervention).
Question 3.
Discuss tolerable limits (exposure standards) that may be available for chromium exposure (consider food/dietary, water, air, soil, occupational, environmental etc.)